Businesses having Facebook Fan pages can exploit the huge potential that Facebook offers in terms of getting visitors, since Facebook is second only to Google for sheer number of visitors.
That's why not only should you have a Facebook Fan page but you should also actively promote it, and here we will tell you how:
Invite people from your Facebook Friend nfl jersey Lists:
Do you have your personal friends and professional colleagues segmented into lists on your Facebook home page? If you do, then you can invite these lists as groups to your Facebook fan page instead of sending individual invites. This is the easiest and fastest way to jump-start your fan base.
It is normal that you see results after a few days, people are busy in this day and age, but they will come around, maybe after a little poke. As you add more people to your network, remember to go back to your same lists and send the invite to the new people you've added. The names of those who have already been invited will be grayed out and the invite will only be sent to your new contacts.
Find people with Facebook Search:
The updated Facebook Search feature (see the Search bar at the top of Facebook) gives you a view into conversations of your friends and status updates that may even show you who may be looking for the services you provide. There is even an option to search "Posts by Everyone," which gives you a glimpse into conversations of people who may not even be connected to you. After entering a search term, there will be a display, "Posts By Everyone." This allows you to view conversations from others who aren't in your friend lists.
Place adverts in Facebook Social Ads:
Social Ads provide advertisements alongside your Facebook sidebar that show related actions your friends have taken on the site. It is possible to tailor ads to your friends and nfl throwback jerseys their interests, which makes it more appealing for them to take action because you are interested as well. This strategy needs a small budget, but can be very effective in finding your target market.
It is very important to do a Facebook search with specific keywords in your particular niche to find out if it's being talked about on Facebook. If you click on "Promote With an Ad" on your fan page, you can start a campaign. You can set a daily spending limit of something like £10 or any other comfortable amount. It's possible to run your Facebook ads for only 4 to 5 days with a £10 per day budget. Then stop the ad for a few weeks if you like and run the same ad again. This allows your fan page to grow in spurts without spending a lot of money at once.
Facebook Fan Page Twitter application:
The Facebook Fan Page Twitter application is a great tool that brings your Twitter following back to your fan page. When you post a status update, a link or a photo (you can choose) on your Facebook fan page, there will be an update to Twitter with a shortened link back to your fan page. This is just pure genius to drive traffic from another source right to your page.
There are other Facebook and Twitter integration applications; however, this is the one that leads people directly back to your page. This gives them an option to become a fan of your page right at that moment if they click on the link from Twitter.
Facebook Fan Box Widget:
The Facebook Fan Box Widget is a great feature to add to your blog or website. This widget allows you to show your fan base and allows others to become fans instantly. This is just one way to promote your page across several social media sites. It is nfl jerseys important to cross-reference all of your social media sites so others can find you and your websites on other networks.